AEG 2025 Kickoff – January 29th
We are excited to be kicking off the new year and are welcoming Ty Atmaca, Project Geophysicist at Atlas Technical Consultants. We will be meeting at Terracon’s office (see below for address).

Ty Atmaca will be discussing “Applications of Drone Geophysics for Orphan Well Delineation”. The Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission estimates that there could be as many as 800,000 undocumented orphan wells across the United States. These wells can pose a significant environmental threat due to the increased risk of groundwater contamination and methane emissions. Recent advances in technology have made the use of drones for various techniques more feasible for these types of projects.
Mr. Atmaca has been a geophysicist for over 10 years with experience performing various geophysical methods for environmental assessments, hydrogeologic evaluations, geologic and geophysical site characterization, environmental remediation, and subsurface utility engineering (SUE) in locations across the globe. More recently, Ty has developed a passion for the use of drone magnetometers for the location of orphan wells. This diverse background allows Ty to meet client expectations, demanding schedules, and federal and state regulations.
In addition, we will be providing an update on the Phoenix chapter and our plans for the year.
4685 S. Ash Ave, Suite H-4
Tempe, AZ 85282
AEG Members: $30
Non-Member: $40
Student: $10
Government: $15
*Includes dinner and general refreshments. We will not be providing alcohol for this meeting.
Cash/card will be accepted at the door.
RSVP deadline is past